Thursday, February 23, 2012

Home sweet home

Traditional construction on the left with the concrete house on the right

Five or six years ago the area around Jean Rabel was ravaged by hurricanes. As part of the relief efforts a Spanish organization gave $100,000 to build houses for the people. The RJM Sisters in Jean Rabel helped facilitate the project and were able to build 20 houses with the original grant. Through their connections with the local community they continue to identify families who they feel would most benefit from a house. Families with special needs children are given priority. Large families are also given priority. The family receiving the house is asked to contribute about $1000 while the remaining $5000 is provided through various grants. To date the Sisters have been involved in the building of approximately 500 houses in the Jean Rabel area. The walls are constructed of rocks taken from the area or concrete block. The roof is tin. The houses are very simple, often two or three rooms; about 400-500 square feet.

Home owner and a friend in front of his house made from local stone 

A family (plus one neighbor child) and Sr. Rose on their front porch
 I have visited a number of the homes the Sisters helped build. The people take great pride in their homes and are much appreciative. A sturdy home in Haiti provides not only shelter but helps boost self esteem and economic stability. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

peal the bell…peals of laughter

Sunday I arrived in Jean Rabel; the third stop on this three stop tour. In Jean Rabel the Religious of Jesus and Mary live on the second floor of Saint Mary’s school; a “national” primary school for girls, first through sixth grade. I have a bird’s eye view of the school yard from our balcony. The school is located next to St. John the Baptist Catholic church.

My room is the last one on the right, half the house is hidden by a large tree
St. John the Baptist Church, Jean Rabel
The days In Jean Rabel are punctuated by the sights and sounds of church and school. A little after 5 AM the church bell rings, a wakeup call! Around 6 AM the bell rings again, a call to 6am mass. After mass we have morning prayer followed by breakfast. At 8 AM the school day starts with a flag raising, the singing of the national anthem & prayer. Throughout the morning I can hear the girls reciting their lessons in French. Around 10 AM there is recess …and you hear peals of laughter and the shouts of little girls at play. Jump rope seems to be a favorite pass time. Around noon the girls can be seen taking their lunch in shifts, by class. At 1 PM the students leave for the day. Shortly thereafter another group of students arrive. There is an alternative school in the afternoon for the restavek children; the children who work as domestic servants. The Religious of Jesus and Mary were instrumental in establishing the alternative school for these children whose life situation generally prevents them from attending school. By 5 PM the school yard grows quiet. At 6pm, the church bell rings the Angelus. No real need for a clock in Jean Rabel!

St. Mary's girls at play

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bon Fèt La Chandeleur!

On February 2nd you may have celebrated Candlemass , the feast of the Prurification of Mary, or perhaps Ground Hog’s Day. Here in Gros Morne on February 2nd we celebrate the Feast of Notre Dame la Chandeleur, the parish patronal feast. The feast runs for nine days with a novena to Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Light. Every night for over a week you would hear singing coming from the church until about 11pm. On Thursday, February 2nd, three masses were celebrated; pilgrims & parishioners filled the church to over flowing for each.
The gate to the church courtyard

The feast spilled beyond the church to encompass the entire community. People return to Gros Morne for the feast, making it a time of “home coming”. Pilgrims from the surrounding areas also come to town for the feast. Tents sprouted up alongside the road and in the church courtyard to accommodate the many visitors.  Vendors also flocked to Gros Morne for the feast, so the market was greatly expanded this past week. Over the nine days there were many “special events”.  A soccer tournament was played over the course of a few afternoons which included teams as far away as Cap-Haitien. One evening a concert was held featuring a professional Haitian band.  Even the street lights were left on Thursday night to light our way as we walked home after the 6pm mass!

street vendors in Gros Morne

May ManMan Mari continue to shine her light on the people of Gros Morne.